Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Hey!! Happy Valentine's Day!! :-) What are you guys going to do?? :-) I'm going to my grandparents house and sleeping over wed. It will be fun!!! :-D


Ang said...

Sounds like you're gonna have a fun V-day! :)

Btw, I'll probably be coming to the bowling but not to the YG. But I'm not sure yet.

Unknown said...

IDK. What I am doing for Valentines day. I know I am babysitting my cousins and sign language.

Ang said...

Cool! I'll see you tomorrow then! Just so you know, I kinda suck at bowling. lol

Unknown said...

Hey. I deleted all of my blogs except one. It too hard to keep up with.

Unknown said...

I would but I know how.

oh_no_its_Becka said...

I have indeed learned my lesson....seriously??? r u sure? i think it was both of u...sense u have a blog and she doesnt i decided to blame it on her lol

jk i love val...and u of course ha ha

ttyl :-)